Tuesday, March 10, 2020

McClelland's theory of needs | McClelland's theory of motivation

This theory of motivation was proposed by David McClelland and his associates. They called this theory "Three Needs theory". In this theory he is explaining the process of motivation by breaking down what and how needs are and how can they be approached.
It is a very simple and straightforward theory.  He proposed that there are three categories of needs: achievement, affection and power. It was noted in this theory that regardless of a person's sex, age, race or culture, all of us are possessing one of these needs and are driven by it. 

Need for Achievement

As the name suggests, this need is the urge to achieve something in your job or life. If you are a teacher you want to teach your pupil in the best possible way and be recognized, if you are a gamer you want to compete in most games, complete tough levels and be recognized, or if you are a lawyer you will have the need to win most cases and be recognized. 
It is the need which pushes you towards work and to struggle for the objectives that you want to achieve.
If you are motivated by needs for achievement then you will be having a strong desire of setting up difficult objectives and accomplishing them. You prefer to work in a result-oriented work environment and you will appreciate feedback given on your work. These people wouldn't be opting for high -risk or low-risk situations. Along with that you will also prefer working alone.

Need for Affiliation

Need for Affiliation is the urge of an individual to create interpersonal relations and social relationships with other people. They look for opportunities to work in groups by making friendly and long lasting relations. They have the urge to be liked by others. They are likely to avoid high-risk situations. 

Need for Power

It is the urge of an individual to have authority and control over others.  These people aspire status and recognition. They love winning and would work really hard for that.

This theory is also called Acquired needs as McClelland stated that the particular needs of people are acquired and shaped over time through his experiences in life.

McClelland's Theory of Motivation | McClelland's Theory of Needs | Three Needs Theory in English:

McClelland's Theory of Motivation | McClelland's Theory of Needs | Three Needs Theory in Urd/Hindi:

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