Sunday, May 12, 2019

Assignment: Essay of the Foundation of Teaching and Learning

1.0  Introduction

Teaching as a profession is often personified with George Bernard Shaw’s quote “He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.” This shows the illness shared for the profession of teaching in our society (Mayer, 2017). As an individual, a teacher is respected a lot (Bushaw & Lopez, 2011) but, when it comes to teaching as a profession, it is often degraded. It is said to be a profession in which anyone can enter easily whereas entering other professions needs more intellectual (Ingersoll & Mitchell, 2011). Because of the lower status of teachers people don’t enter in this field willingly and those who do aren’t serious about it, or they enter only when other options are closed for them which impacts the standard of teaching as well as student’s attainment. Teachers, having a very low status for their own profession, are actually the ones who flourish other professions. Doctors, Engineers, everyone needs a teacher to teach them the basics of subjects. Hence, it has become very critical for the leaders to make sure that the teachers are delivering good foundations of learning (Wheeler, 2016).
Teaching is a very crucial profession for any society; hence, it is necessary for us to take strict measures in order to improve the status of teachers.

2.0  Discussion

At the moment, Australia’s workforce comprises mostly of the people of Generation X. Most of their teachers are in their late 40s, and they might be retiring soon. (MCEEYA, 2003a ). Hence, it is now to know the foundation of teaching and learning, so upcoming generation’s teachers could be more aware and more efficient and they can be attracted towards teaching career (Mayer, 2017).

2.1 Teaching as a profession

In a study conducted by Peske et al., (2001), teachers were interviewed and it was observed that the number of people who actually wanted teaching as a lifetime career was very small and limited.
In Australia it was concluded that teaching as a career is pursued due to three reasons. First is the selfless reason that is it’s a meaningful career, where individuals work for the well-being of society and they help pupils in growing, getting a career and so on. The second reason is that some people are bounded naturally with the children and they have this instinctive ability to teach so they pursue teaching. The third reason for choosing teaching as a career is its monetary reward, the period of leaves and the prestige it gives to an individual (MCFTCEETYA, 2003b).

2.2 Teaching Professionalism

Teacher's profession is one of the professions which need the most professionalism because student’s lives are on their shoulders. They are the one who help them in choosing their careers and in succeeding in their chosen careers. It’s very important for a teacher to be of a particular standard (APST, 2011).

2.2.1 Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST)

After evaluating different evidences of teacher’s performances and after analyzing their impact on the pupil, Australian Professional Standards for Teachers were created. They have tried to standardize the teaching as a career, which in return makes all the teachers to be efficient and effective. It explains the important features for the effectiveness of teachers. Furthermore, these standards can be used by a teacher to assist herself or higher authorities can use it for evaluating a teacher (APST, 2011).
This standard has categorized teaching career in four phases: Graduate, proficient, highly accomplished and lead. Graduate Teachers are having the initial qualification of being a teacher and they possess the required skills for teaching students. Proficient Teachers are more experienced and they know the level of their students. So, they are able to create a safe environment in which a student can learn and grow. They are constantly and actively participating in their profession. Highly Accomplished Teachers are very effective, skilled in managing students. They are constantly working for improving the teaching practices. Lead Teachers are representing the school as well as their community. They are considered as role models for other teachers and they are skilled in monitoring and training other teachers (APST, 2016).
In this standard seven standards of teaching are explained, which are divided into three domains. They are interdependent, linked and connected with each other.
Source: APST (2011).

In domain, Professional Knowledge a teacher must know the students’ portfolios, their behaviors, their learning styles and the content that has to be taught along with teaching methodology.
The second domain is Professional Practice in which teachers are able to provide valuable knowledge in a very effective and engaging manner. The safe learning environment is created by teacher where she evaluates and gives feedback to students along with challenging them (APST, 2011).
The third domain is Professional Engagement and as the name suggests, it's the stage where teachers have achieved a standard of professionalism. Teachers are able to connect with students and deliver their lectures effectively. They are able to engage effectively with the school communities and they work for the student’s enrichment (APST, 2011).

2.3 Curriculum

Curriculum means “content that you are studying in a specific grade.” (Egan, 1978).
It has been stated in APST (2011) that Australian Year-12 Curriculum is developed in collaboration with ACARA. Regardless of where one lives, studies or is brought up, every Australian youngster must be taught this curriculum. Content for 43 education sectors and subjects have been established. Further work is being done by ACARA on the curriculum of languages and on the support material for teachers (ACARA, 2016).

2.4 Pedagogy

Pedagogy is any informed task given by one person for enhancing the learning of the other individuals (Watkins & Mortimore, 1999). Bernstein (2000) said that pedagogy is a process which develops or forms the intellectual, know-how and learning in a person. He further explained there are two models of pedagogy, Performance model, where the teacher explains exactly what's to be done in the activity and what will be the learning outcomes, and competence model, which is an informal approach. Here unfocused learning takes place. It’s based on the needs of individuals (Bernstein, 2000).

2.4.1. NSW Quality Teaching Model

NSW Department of education and training is aimed at giving a public school system, which will be helping all the students in getting a good education irrespective of their background. It will help students in attaining their full capacity and be successful (DET, 2003). This model has been made on the basis of past evidences of teacher’s performances and their way of delivering the knowledge (CESE, 2014). In this model, pedagogy is only one of the things that is needed to be improved for improving the quality of education. But what’s surprising is that pedagogy is having the most impact on student’s learning, it can boost an educational system (DET, 2003). Here is what NSW model looks like:
Source: NSW (2017)
            NSW also told us the process of accreditation of teachers. There are four stages in the accreditation of the teachers, those stages are:
            Stage 1 “Conditional or Provisional”: A teacher can teach before the completion of their degree. That’s Conditional Accreditation and if the teacher starts teaching after the completion of the teaching degree the she got Provisional Accreditation for teaching. Stage 2 “Proficient Teacher”: This stage occurs for provisional teachers after 3-5 years but for conditional teachers it occurs after 4 -6 years. In this stage teacher is in lined with quality teachers. Stage 3 “Maintenance Cycle”: Teachers after maintaining their professionalism for at least 5-7 years are able to complete this stage. Stage 4 “Highly Accomplished Teachers: These teachers are not only the members of teaching society but they are leaders as well. They are role models for teachers and they work for the betterment of society and education system. Stage 5 “Lead Teachers”: Lead teachers are basically leaders. They are mentors for many teachers. They are on higher stage of their teaching career (NSW, 2017).

2.5. Assessment

 Assessments are one of the most important parts of teaching. It helps teachers in enhancing their ways after monitoring the results of their students. Since the assessment is taken and created by the teachers, it is very easy for a teacher to know where students are having issues and what can be done for solving those issues (Angelo & Cross, 1993). The most recent and significant thing done by ACARA for assessment is the establishment of its website "My Schools". My School lists the results of schools on NAPLAN against national averages and it compares the performances of school against other alike schools (Lingard, 2010).

2.5.1. NAPLAN

NAPLAN is a national test, conducted every year in which students from year 3, 5, 7 and 9 appear. This test is not based on Australian curriculum but it is on the skills that are required by students for excelling in their academics as well as life. It tests the student's reading, writing, spelling, grammar and numeracy skills (NAP, 2016).

2.6. Integrating These Concepts

            Bernstein (1975) stated that even though the curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment are three connected things, they are often treated as independent phenomena. The curriculum is treated as a very different and an individual entity. Assessment is created in a pedagogy free environment and there’s little consideration given to curriculum and assessment while creating pedagogies. It makes the teacher's work complex.
            In Northern Territory Schools, officials are making sure to align their curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment in their institutions. According to them, it improves student’s engagement, intellectual and their performance (CPAR T-9, 2017). Such initiatives are being taken in Australia as well. Quality Education will be provided by giving attention and innovation to all three of the elements, which are curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. They are standardizing their quality of education and the level of teachers with their models (APST, 2011).

2.6. Learning needs of Gifted and Talented students

            As it was discussed earlier, the Australian Curriculum is taking initiatives for providing quality education to all the students irrespective of their background. In all the students gifted and talented students are also included. Such students vary in terms of nature and capabilities, they aren’t similar in their attributes. There are different attributes of different students (AC, 2016). These students also have the right to get relevant, compatible and quality education according to their needs and requirements. ACARA has ensured to keep gifted and talented students in their mind while initiating new curriculums, pedagogy and assessment systems. Some major steps were taken in that for accommodating the gifted and talented students. AC stated that curriculum can be tweaked according to the requirement of the individual. For example, a teacher can bring different activities in year 5 science for such students. She can make a student search his own content on internet instead of providing him with all the information for doing assignments. If a solar system is being taught then she can tell such students to make models and give a tour to other people. This will enhance their creativity, literacy skills and learning.  Australian Curriculum in accordance with ACARA is constantly trying to give equal chances and diverse learning for such children (AC, 2016).

2.7 Use of Technology and its Impact on Student’s learning

            It has been observed that students have a very long lasting impact of technology on them as well as their studies. It has both positive and negative outcomes (Tamim et al., 2011). But, recently people are using technology in academic institutions and they are giving very promising results. Hence, all institutions are integrating the use of technology in their curriculum and institutions. Past researches have suggested that students who use laptops and technology are more likely to spend time on collaborative tasks, projects, produce good assignments and indulge in more problem solving activities. It boosts their intellectual and makes them better than average students (Gulek & Demirtas, 2005).

3.0 Conclusion

            Teaching is a very complex profession, one needs to understand the students, deliver the lecture in accordance with the understanding of students and monitor them as well. Becoming a good teacher is not an easy task. Quality education can be provided only when teachers are of a standard. For this purpose, Australia has implemented professional standards  and NSW quality teaching model (APST, 2011). Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment are interrelated. Australia is aligning them while taking all the necessary initiatives for their education system. ACARA is responsible for making Australia’s curriculum. It has also taken steps like NAPLAN for the assessment of the students of Australia. ACARA has also provided details on how to treat gifted and talented students so the standard of education can be maintained for all the students (ACARA, 2016).


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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Future of Oil & Gas- Case Study

This assignment requires students to research into the emerging themes within the business sector related to their programme of study and use the evidence gathered to inform operational and strategic decisions. Students should apply their critical understanding of relevant emerging themes to formulate alternative courses of action necessary.
The following case studies provide the necessary background required for you to complete this assessment task.
Read ONE case study that is relevant to your specialism of study
Case Study :

1.0. Introduction

As World Economic Forum (2016) stated, Oil and Gas industry is the industry giving most of the contribution to a lot of national economies. Since Industrial Revolution, this industry has become very crucial for continuing other industries, because oil and gas is used for all the machinery and almost every emerging industry needs oil or gas for operating. It is critical for the industry to know its challenges and solutions to them (Longwell, 2002). This report introduces four themes related to oil and gas industry which are to be discussed along with the recommendations for the improvement. This report also sheds some light on the operational and strategic decisions of the industry and for that it uses various articles, books and pdfs as a source of Secondary Data. Nevertheless, Oil and gas industry is having its impact on almost every industry, hence, it is crucial to analyse its emerging themes and trends.

2.0. Finding and Analysis

2.1. Operational and Strategic Decisions

As discussed earlier, Oil and Gas has a vital role in the global energy system (WEF, 2016). But like any other industry, this industry has faced a lot of ups and downs throughout the period of their operations. In the ups, as in boom, organisation hires many employees, they spend in their resources and it is often done at the cost of current resources. Whereas, the organisations have to cut down on their expenses and resources for surviving during recession. A lot of uncertainty is created in the industry due to this constant contraction and expansion. Hence, it is important for the organizations to get long lasting and durable operational strategies (EY, 2015).
EY (2015) further stated that oil and gas industry must achieve Operational Excellence. It is the part of leadership in organisations. It asks organisation to use all the available resources as well as getting emerging tools and technology for making your operations of the organisation stable, effective and efficient.

2.1.1. Industry Objectives:

Objective of Oil and gas industry regarding their operations are:
·         Economic Growth: It is the aim of this industry to reach economic expectations. Manage cost without sacrificing the performance and increase the value of the organisation for its stakeholders (EY, 2015).
·         Improving HSEQ: HSEQ stands for health, safety, environmental and quality. Oil and Gas industry contains a lot of risks for its employees. Hence, its crucial for any organisation in this industry to make strict safety precautions for the people working under them. (EY, 2015).
·         Growth: Growth is the aim of any organisation although their strategies may differ. Oil and gas industry also aims on growing through delivering their promises and brining efficiency (EY, 2015).

2.1.2 Client and Top Management

Top Managers has to improve its standing in the perception of clients by doing CSR activities. It has to start working on the environment and society along with its organisation (OPEC, 2014). Moreover, it is stated on OPEC’s (2014) annual report that they have a goal to make energy accessible for everyone. Hence, they are working with UN and WPC (World Petroleum Council). They have also organised an event which recognises the importance of CSR activities for oil and gas industry. These activities are focused towards people who have no access to energy services. Furthermore, it was stated that these activities bring a win-win situation in the industry. They are helping us in improving the community as well as they help the organization in bonding with the people of their community. Along with that, OPEC (2014) emphasized on data transparency as well.

2.1.3 OE Components

OE stands for Operational Excellence. The components of getting operational excellence are:
·         HSEQ (Health, safety, environment and quality): Special majors shall be taken for the safety of employees, contractors and other respective stakeholders. Health of the people working in the organisation shouldn’t be impacted as well as organisation must not play a role in destructing the environment. Along with that it should be made sure that quality is not being impacted by such majors. Quality of the product must remain constant (EY, 2015).
·         Unified plans: It’s important for achieving OE that an organisation transforms its long-term goals into short-term operating strategies. They must be working towards one long-term goal and must be in sync with each other. Then only maximum OE can be achieved (EY, 2015).
·         Operating Model: It defines in what way processes, stakeholders and systems are coordinating in order to get the maximum level of efficiency.
·         Asset reliability and integrity: An organisation must be aware of its asset turnover as well as the life of its assets, that is how long will it take for an asset to be demolished and how it can be improved or when would it need more maintenance. (EY, 2015)
·         Cost Efficiency: Prices of oil and gas are constantly changing. Hence, it is crucial for an organisation of this industry to implement such processes which will help them in coping up with the costs included in all the process. They must be aware of their hidden costs and manage them effectively.
·         Supplier and Contractors: Supplier and Contractor are a vital part of any organisation. In order to achieve efficiency in OE, Supplier and contractor must be given proper introduction to the  processes of your organisation and they must be aware of the goals of your organisation so they can work accordingly (EY, 2015).

2.2 Improving Operations

It has been discussed in the case study that the oil and gas industry is moving towards the revenue-oriented strategies. Revenue- oriented strategies are the ones which focus on increasing the income of the organisation. It doesn’t matter if the goals are short term or long term , what’s important is that their focus should be on maximizing the revenue. A lot of forecasts are being done for the future of oil and gas industry. Some of them are indicating a decline in the demand of oil and gas industry whereas some are indicating a rise in the demand of oil and gas. With that in mind, industries are to keep up with their strategies and must plan their operations according. It has also been stated in the case study, that if market and industry becomes sure of the peaking or declining of the industry then it can change the investments. Hence, it is crucial for the organisations in this industry to keep up with their expansion projects in a way that it doesn’t hurt them in the long run and they keep getting the required investments for the operations of their businesses.
The thing that can be changed in operations is that they can make their decision making strategies more transparent and flexible (EY, 2015). EY (2015) has also stated that an organisation’s performance can be improved by improving the performance of its procedures. Changing their processes and having proper assessments for the employees can boost their performance. Other than that, an organisation must make sure to integrate new technologies and have a working environment which shall be liked by the upcoming generations. Upcoming generations are the people who are going to work for your organisations from now on. Hence, it’s important to make your organisation according to their needs and practices.

2.3. Emerging Themes

            The emerging themes also known as the four pillars identified in this case study are as follow: Society, Technology, Work environment and Industry/Market.

2.3.1. Society

            Society is basically a combination of relations, a complicated system of processes, authorities, assistance and a mutual consent of various groups to control human behaviour and their state of freedom (MacIver and Page, 1950). In the modern age, it has been described as the vast group of people having same values, mission, interest or goals (Webster, 2018). Society has a core place in this study, as it can be witnessed that the oil and gas industry has been facing a number of issues regarding society such as resistance, lack of trust, and revenue reduction. As highlighted in the private Goldman Sachs study that approximately 50% of the risky oil and gas projects were due to the risks associated with the customers and not the technical issues. As these trust issues among the society has been degrading the oil and gas industry like it was mentioned in the 2013 Gallop poll that oil and gas industry ranked the least trusted industry that can be a serious issue which should be catered. Despite of the high usage of oil and gas this industry has been facing a bad image among the society which should be changed through certain actions. This lack of society also became the reason for less development and restricted government approvals for major projects.

2.3.2. Technology

Technology has been described as the application of scientific knowledge that changes human vision into reality. It is also defined as the development of things through systematic techniques over time. Technology plays a key role in the oil and gas industry. As it can help an industry to rise for e.g. if an industry has all the techniques and material but it lacks the latest technology then it will be very hard to reach to the point of potential growth. Relatively, as analyzed from this case that countries can reduce the cost of extracting oil from the field through technological innovations. Moreover, it had also make the International Energy Agency forecast questionable that either the oil demand will raise or not? As mentioned in the study that the industry will also be facing technological challenges in making it second leg in the electricity sector. However, it has identified that oil and gas industry has to consider technology in order to sustain its position in the world (The Economic Times, 2018).

2.3.3. Work Environment

The term work environment can be described as the surroundings of a company or employee operations. It can be the peer group, the working conditions or standard procedures (, 2018). A good work environment is the key factor of an employees’ increased productivity that directly enhance a company’s profitability. Moreover, work environment played a vital role in this study. As there was clearly mentioned that changes have to be made in the operating environment of this industry like it has to shorten its lead time and the companies have to bring consistency in the environment to continue attracting investors. As the changing environment has been affecting nearly all the companies in this industry, some serious actions should be taken to answer this for e.g. adapting towards a leaner environment.

2.3.4. Industry/Market

Industry can be defined as the branch for the particular activities (i.e. commercial or economic). Furthermore, it can be elaborated as the activities take place for an economic growth. Although, a market is the place or area consist of all the buyers and sellers of a considered or related area (The Economic Times, 2018). Industry and market are two of the core themes in this study. As studied in the case that there could be a huge role of market and industry in the expansion and enhancement of the oil and gas industry. If the industry and market began to shift their strategies then the whole scenario could be changed. Moreover, due to its negative impact over marketplace this industry also losing its market shares. However, industry and market are related to each other and this is the reason if an industry has to enhance to it should cater its market efficiently. As mentioned in this case, this industry has to take some serious actions to maintain its market share, this clearly witnesses that this theme is one of the emerging themes in this case.

2.4. Alternative Course of Actions

As far as this course understanding is concern, some of the alternative actions should be taken in the current scenario of the oil and gas company which are as follow:
·         The oil and gas company should be involved in more Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR), to gain trust and confidence of the society.
·         The companies should move towards automation and artificial intelligence that will help them in assisting operations and supply management.
·         They should move towards technological advancement that will result in cost-reduction and output efficiency.
·          All the companies should start investing in different kinds of industries for the resistance from downfall.
·         They should move towards a leaner environment that will impact the supplier industry and they will be successful in achieving the national revenues.
·         They should simply create a layer of transparency to gain the trust of the society again.
·         They should start performing recycling and minimizing product wastage.
·         These actions will enhance the image of oil and gas industry that results in the recruitment of a better workforce, gathering highest market share and prevents this industry to enter a declining stage.

2.5. Emerging Themes Cause Destruction to Organizations

History has witnessed the success and destruction of different organization through the emerging themes mentioned above as well as others. Many of the organizations had faced a decline stage just because of the advancement of technology without any research. Research plays an important role in implementing anything. So, it should be made sure to conduct a research before any technological innovation (Ahmad et al., 2015). Then, there is an example of environment and society related to the oil and gas industry where an organization sealed up just because of the carelessness in the disposal of the wastage. As the employees’ were having the practice of disposing off the wastage in the sea that causes sea pollution, air pollution and many more germs and bacteria were injected in water because of that disposal (Harper et al., 2017). Many precautions should be taken before implementing or advancing any emerging theme.

2.6 Areas to Focus on

According to the publication of EY (2015), there are 6 most common operational areas on which usually oil and gas industry focuses. Those areas are:
·         Expansive asset reliability
·         Expansive production efficiency
·         Management of HSE risk
·         Operating Cost reduction
·         Focus on Culture
·         Employee Retention
 But, as the trends and situations are changing we need to focus on other things along with these areas. One of those areas would be the reputation of oil and gas industry.

2.6.1. Reputation of Oil and Gas Industry

It has been stated in the case study, that due to trust issues of people on this industry, organisations of this industry are facing a lot of issues, including investment problems, regulatory issues and even recruitment issues. Investors wouldn’t fund their projects due to their reputation. A lot of the projects of this industry are closed due to legal issues. Governments wouldn’t allow them to operate in their areas because of the hatred for them in the public. Not only that but they are having troubles in recruiting the young talent in the industry. According to OPEC’s (2014) annual report, it is crucial for organisations in this industry to participate in CSR activities and make sure their operations aren’t hurting the environment. By doing so, they can improve their standing in the industry and the issues mentioned above can be solved. Furthermore, OPEC (2014) stated that data transparency should be created in the organisations for diminishing the trust issues.

2.6.2. Expansive Production Efficiency:

            According to EY (2015), it is crucial for organisations in this industry to be more efficient in their production. They must implement effective processes and indulge recent technological innovation in production processes. Along with that as the case study suggests they must look for the replacements of oil and gas and try to enter those markets as well. For that they may have to work a lot. They need investors, willing to invest in other products as well as they themselves have to research in order to get a product which will be beneficial for them in the long run.

2.6.3. Operating Cost Reduction:

            Another area in which organisations must focus is on operating cost reduction. With constant ups and downs of the prices of oil and gas it is crucial for the industry to cut down its cost and manage its operation in such a way that it saves them from the expected losses. (EY, 2015).

2.7. Recommendations

·         More investment should be made in human capital and training as this will help in any kind of shortage of skill.
·         Adaptation towards technological advancement and innovation.
·         Move towards digitalization as it will allow to some immediate course of action without delays.
·         Expand and invest in partnerships to minimize the risks and maximize profits.
·         Invest capital in more than one industry to stabilize any deficiency in future.
·         Promote CSR activities to gain public trust and market share too.
·         More recruitments should take place because new talent brings new opportunities
·         Outdated framework should be declined and new frameworks should be introduced.
·         Promote and invest in research and developments.
·         The following blockchain can be used to achieved the desired goal more effectively:

Source:  (Allied Consultants, 2016)

3.0. Conclusion

After analyzing the whole case, it can be concluded that oil and gas industry is facing an unstable phase and many of the past activities are the reasons for this. However, many of the operational decisions should be taken for the stabilization of the industry. The companies should change their past strategies to achieve economic growth. Top management should gain the clientele again through different activities as mentioned above. This industry has to put their key attention over the four pillars (i.e. the emerging themes) in order to gain sustainability and consistency. Some of the serious actions should be taken and their alternative should also be prepared in order to avoid any failure. The companies should keep an eagle eye on their competitors’ activities and take a lesson from their mistakes. This industry can enhance its’ market through different strategies and actions. As far as the understanding of this case, some of the recommendations mentioned above can be the reason of the rise of the oil and gas industry.



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